Thursday, May 29, 2008

The First Day of the Rest of My Life

I start this blog with a promise to all that chose to read it, " I will be nothing but honest and truthful to myself and everyone I love." Now.... with that being said. This blog will be not only a type of play by play of the everyday in my life, but a journal and proof of the path that I chose to take to find myslef. I dont promise to be nice, I dont promise that I wont offend some people with the decisions I make, but I promise to be truthful.

I am about to leave for what was to be a honeymoon, instead though I am looking at this oportunity as a new beginning and a great way to start finding myself. I will not be posting any pictures untill I get back from my trip. And then be ready for LOTS of pictures and stories to go with them. I feel like the journeys I will embarkng on will help me figure out who I am. What I want in life and what truly makes me happy.

This first blog entry is short I know, but you have start with baby steps. So this is the first of many more steps to come!

See you all when I get back!!!!


The Bruin Boy Bunch said...

With and open heart, mind and eyes it is amazing what you will find. I love you

calvertpta said...
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Tracy said...

We love you soooo much! Have a wonderful trip. Can't wait to hear about all your journeys!

x the jumilla 4

p.s. and that was me above. posted under the wrong used ;) sorry! xo